Hebron Pie Festival w/ Mike Nelson

When asked to play this gig there was no hesitation. I love PIE!
Great community event in the historic village center of Hebron. Delicious pie, live music, and pie events and activities! 2nd annual.
A wonderful way to enjoy old fashion traditions and entertainment while supporting local vendors and businesses. The proceeds from the event support this year’s applicant beneficiary, Lakewood Education Foundation. LEF supports Lakewood Local School students to help prepare them for life after high school, whether that is through entering the workforce, trade school, or college. Thanks for having me!

Gig Crasher

I love slushie margaritas and my wife won’t let me spend 4k on my own machine for the kitchen. I go to Papa Boo’s as many days a year as I can and drink slushie margaritas. Rese and Kevin had a gig so I figured I would crash it and drink a few slushie margaritas. Great decision. #gigcrasher

Reid Coleman Has Jokes

Love this guy. Reid is a salt of the earth kind of person. I really enjoy being his side guy. Took us down a LONG gravel road to a bar full of good people that didn’t mind my pedal steel at all. Fun night all around. Looking forward to returning to Nickel Valley Resorts. I recommend a night in a cabin and hanging with the locals that drive in on side-by-sides.